Christmas Animated Postcards
If you have access to internet, this website is perfect for you! I know you will find it useful for a writing lesson. Students can email a Christmas animated postcard to their parents or friends, adding their own messages. It is a fun activity, students will enjoy it! I will include this project in my planning for December. But before starting I’ll need to follow SIX STEPS.
STEP 1: I will tell my students a little bit about Christmas and talk about the Christmas animated postcard project. STEP 2: I will ask my students to create a web and remind them that in the center of the web they will have to put the name of the person they want to send the postcard. STEP 3: they will write their ideas for the postcard in the web and later create a paragraph with those ideas. STEP 4: I will ask my students to exchange papers to revise their work and I will edit their work. STEP 5: I will ask my students to find out the email address of their father or mother; to send the postcard. (Check with their parents to be sure it's OK.) STEP 6: if your students have access to internet, they will be able to type the letter and send it online. But if your students don’t have access, they can type the letter in Word; you can paste it and send it later.
If you have access to internet, this website is perfect for you! I know you will find it useful for a writing lesson. Students can email a Christmas animated postcard to their parents or friends, adding their own messages. It is a fun activity, students will enjoy it! I will include this project in my planning for December. But before starting I’ll need to follow SIX STEPS.
STEP 1: I will tell my students a little bit about Christmas and talk about the Christmas animated postcard project. STEP 2: I will ask my students to create a web and remind them that in the center of the web they will have to put the name of the person they want to send the postcard. STEP 3: they will write their ideas for the postcard in the web and later create a paragraph with those ideas. STEP 4: I will ask my students to exchange papers to revise their work and I will edit their work. STEP 5: I will ask my students to find out the email address of their father or mother; to send the postcard. (Check with their parents to be sure it's OK.) STEP 6: if your students have access to internet, they will be able to type the letter and send it online. But if your students don’t have access, they can type the letter in Word; you can paste it and send it later.
By Maria de Lourdes Lopez Pereira